Low-power ICs impose on designers the implementation of an efficient wake-up system, sufficiently accurate from a time tracking point-of-view, to ensure for instance that paired wireless devices operate in the same time-window. The higher the clock drift, the earlier a slave device needs to wake-up, thereby wasting significant power consumption over time.
Dolphin Integration’s low frequency oscillator IPs, specifically designed for the Always-On Domain, provide unprecedented optimization capabilities to designers needing to find the best compromise between ultra-low power consumption, low BoM cost, high accuracy of frequency setting and fast power-up.

Crystal oscillator IP: qOSC-XTAL-LP-32k-co.01
This Crystal oscillator IP consumes as little as 50 nA at 32.768 kHz without requiring any external capacitor. It is also designed to reach a high accuracy of frequency, as good as 50 ppm, through a guided addition of capacitors.
Download brochure of OSC-XTAL-LP-32k-co
RC oscillator IP: qOSC-RC-LP-32k-co.01
This RC oscillator operates at 32 kHz with ultra-low power (70 nA) and fast wake-up time (200 us) and can be combined with the Crystal oscillator to ensure at once the fastest startup time and accurate time tracking.
Download brochure of qOSC-RC-LP-32k-co.01
Real Time Clock IP: RTC-32k-CAL.01
The RTC-32k-CAL.01 is a low power Real Time Clock relying on a crystal oscillator and designed to achieve the requirements of low power modes and deep sleep modes of IoT devices. Together with the qOSC-EXT-LP-32k-co.01 it will allow the user to achieve the lowest power consumption for the Always-On domain.
The RTC-32k-CAL.01 is provided with a large set of programmable functions, such as calendar, alarms, interrupts…