SMASH Mixed-Signal Simulator
- Overview
- Options
- Discovery
- Evolution over time
SMASH is a seamless IC-PCB mixed-signal simulator enabling the development and verification of analog and mixed-signal Silicon IPs and Integrated Circuits (IC) as well as the optimization of application schematics thanks to its unique multi-domain capabilities.
With the mixed-signal simulator SMASH, designers benefit from innovative features which enable efficient and fast detection of design defects with a fine control for tuning the speed accuracy trade-offs.
These features address the request from designers to rely on a simulator which can truly help them improve their design productivity for as faster and safer time-to-fab. Indeed, the analysis of the time spent by engineers to complete their designs shows that most of their valuable time can be saved with a simulator offering appropriate design bug detection features as well as debugging features.
SMASH is the mixed-signal simulator of choice for designers eager to improve their productivity!
Key Strengths of the Mixed-Signal Simulator SMASH
- State-of-the-art single kernel for easy mixing of multi-language, mixed-signal and multi-domain descriptions
- Support of the most common modeling languages: SPICE, (System)Verilog, VHDL, Verilog-A(MS), VHDL-AMS...
- Support of different SPICE flavors including HSPICE compatibility
- Automatic insertion of configurable interface devices as needed between logic and analog parts
- Dynamic link with the schematic editor SLED
- Back-annotation of operating-point states to the schematic
- Cross-probing to quickly localize a signal curve
- Simultaneous display of analog and logic simulation results in an interactive waveform viewer both interactively during the analysis runtime and in post-processing
- Easy setup of trade-off between speed and accuracy plus added-value features for design bug detection and eradication
- IEEE model encryption for source code protection in order to exchange data safely
- Simulation results calibrated against Silicon measurements
- Required flexibility to model the IC with its application schematics to optimize system performance as early as possible in the design cycle and before any fabrication
- Interoperability
- Compatibility with frameworks and complementary solutions (HSPICE, ModelSim, PSpice) to add new modeling and simulation capabilities to an existing design flow
- SMASH integrated as Laysim in Laytools suite from TexEDA
- Schematic-driven Layout between SLED and DW2000 from Design Workshop Technologies
- Easy communication between S-Edit from Tanner EDA and SMASH

- Highlight